"Crooki" Mule Deer Hunt
Your "Crooki" Mule Deer Hunt takes place in the remote and ominous badlands of the Northern State of "Coahuila" in Mexico - this is some of the most rugged and desolate desert terrain you will find in Old Mexico. Nevertheless, this is where you need to go and brave the elements in order to find these tough and majestic Mule Deer!
Wide "Crooki" Mule Deer.
"Kings" of the desert"...
Crooki Mule Deer are known as "Kings of the Desert" as they are the biggest deer species in our State of Coahuila. We conduct all of our Crooki Mule Deer hunts on privately owned, free-range land. Some of the mature bucks we've hunted had racks sporting 25 - 30 inch spreads with 3 - 5 points per side! These desert dwellers of the rough and beautiful Coahuila landscape are truly majestic trophies in their own class, which offer the beginner - or advanced - Mule Deer hunter a unique and challenging hunt!
Ron L. - Crooki Mule Deer.
What to expect...
Our population of Crooki Mule Deer is not high, as one can imagine from such an arid ecosystem. Nevertheless, our experienced guides have refined their techniques so that our hunters are able to see their fair share of bucks - on a typical 5 day hunt, a hunter may have the opportunity to see about 10 bucks with 50% of them being mature deer. We hunt "safari style" on a high rack truck and spot and stalk. There are many vantage points in this terrain where we can glass for a couple of miles - or more - at a time while glassing hill sides and flats. Only after a good buck is spotted do we make a move for a final stalk. We'll put you on them....the rest is up to you!
Greg G. - Crooki Mule Deer.
Book your "Crooki" Mule Deer hunt today!
Your hunt includes 5 full days of hard hunting, more good food than you can eat, non- alcoholic beverages, a warm and clean bed to sleep on, your guide and field care of trophies.
Call or email us today to book a great hunting adventure for a majestic King of the Desert "Crooki" Mule Deer!